Thursday, May 14, 2015

latex: bibliography error

how to get the ieee bibliography template to work.

ieee latex template for photonics journal using TeXworks editor.

  1. in file Optogenetics.tex: add "\cite{Deisseroth2006}" to random section.
  2. in file Optogenetics.tex: define style and .bib file to the position where the references should be placed.
  3. create file Optogenetics.bib with the following content:
  4. execute.
when adding references using ieee bibliography template, the following error occurs:

replaced procedure #2 with:
tried executing and it worked, .bib file loads perfectly. reverted to the code as written in procedure #2 (using IEEEtrans style) and the error no longer appeared, can't figure out why. i think it also helped that i restarted the editor but i'm not really sure.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

photonics in optogenetics

i enjoyed the recent trends in photonics course a lot particularly because it didn't require much effort owing to the fact that you only need to be present during the lectures, give a lecture on one topic of interest, and make a paper about it. on the other hand, you would need to read, read, read some more, study and talk about your chosen topic but you do learn a lot and get stimulated to think of new ideas in the process. taking the course with someone who works at the military defense industry is an added bonus especially when he drops out hints of some highly classified projects by the military every now and again.

our own topic was on optogenetics, i've read at least twenty papers on the photonics part yet i'm not even close to knowing a quarter of what there is to know about this field even though it started barely twenty years ago. however, i had such a great time reading up and i'm happy we've stirred up some discussion after our talk. for instance, following the example on sight restoration using optogenetics technology, pieterjan questioned the possibility of implanting IR-sensitive opsins to the human eye. i never even thought about that possibility as i have already discarded the use of IR light since it would cause a lot of heating in the human tissue. but of course, what are engineers for but to solve such kind of problems, right? :P i can imagine all sorts of applications for such technology already!

i am still in the process of writing the report in journal format but the slides we used for the presentation are as follows:


faculteit letteren en wijsbegeerte bibliotheek

vanity trip, obviously. nobody reads engineering like this. this photo was taken as a token of the small, quiet, desk-less section of the library at the plateau where i usually stay when i want to rehearse before oral presentations.


Monday, May 4, 2015

daehan, minguk, manse!

i don't usually fangirl, but when i do..

..hihi. hora, the middle kid looks like kebin.

if anyone would take the time to browse through their videos, they'd be admiring these adorable triplets in no time. however, as soon as i mention "kids", everyone would focus instead on my (nonexistent) love life. if this show aired when i was younger or before my sister got married i'd probably have less heat on my ass right now.

in any case, they're still my go-to entertainment whenever i need to get some neuron de-stressing done. before they mature and start consciously thinking about themselves, children's conversations are one of the most adorable and hilarious things you can hear, especially among siblings. i don't envy the babysitting part (three times the fun, three times the trouble!) but it'd be nice to have these moving little teddy bears over for a weekend.
