Monday, December 30, 2013


welcome to my current obsessions: eskrima and burritos! :D i was out walking in rabot the other day and bought a whole bunch of stuff to make burritos for less than 5 euros! here's how i make my happy food for the week:
  • burrito dough
  • eggs
  • salami and any meat
  • salad cabbage
  • onion
  • cheese

Cooking Instructions
  • beat eggs and cook in microwave on high for 30 seconds. after 30 secs, beat again and cook for 15-30 seconds each time until cooked.
  • slice meat and onion and microwave on high for 1 minute.
  • in a plate, place a large napkin and put your burrito dough on top. microwave for 10 seconds to soften.

  • combine everything (meat, onions, greens, eggs and cheese) in the middle of your dough and roll!

i actually also bought a whole lechon manok while i was out that day because i was hungry, so now here's what my refrigerator looks like inside:

yes, i have black socks in my freezer hahahaha. what can i say, i'm excited to take my first picture of a snowflake :P



apparently sepak takraw has no longer been the philippines' national sport for four years now. it's quite sad, i really enjoyed watching sepak takraw games during palakasan in college. not that the sport will no longer be played in the country, it's just..i don't know, the feeling you get when you're awarded something and it's taken away from you. i feel you bro takraw, hahaha. i greatly admire the players for their skill in handling such an inelastic ball of rattan with only their feet and head because i just find it difficult controlling the ball with my feet. i couldn't even do takyan properly, hahaha. and it hurts, too, hitting it with your head. ouch! i particularly enjoy watching more advanced players do amazing spikes. they look like they're doing gymnastics with all the jumps, and splits, and mid-air tumblings (did i get the term right? rotation, or something. where did all my english go?).

meanwhile, our new national sport is called modern arnis. truth be told, i don't find it as interesting as sepak takraw but, looking at it's significance historically, i guess i don't mind arnis being the national sport at all. comapred to sepak takraw, arnis is as authentic as a filipino "sport" can get. of course, it didn't start out as a sport, it's actually a martial art using a stick (or sticks, or even a stick and a knife) for self-defense. coooool, right? i've heard of arnis all my life but we're never really allowed to try it because it's quite dangerous. it would take time to learn how to control how much strength you put in a stroke so beginners might end up bruising their sparring partner unnecessarily. this is why parents don't usually take their kids to summer school learning arnis and instead prefer the "safer" ones like karate and taekwondo which are japanese and korean in origin. so we have this really interesting martial art and it's slowly dying out, being forgotten, because there aren't many filipinos who want to learn it.

the main reason arnis was made national sport is to keep this culture alive. of course, it underwent a few transformation from the original (balintawak eskrima) to make it less dangerous and that's how we have modern arnis, developed by Dr. Remy Presas. one of the big changes, i believe, is that originally one is discouraged to hit the baston itself, treating it like a sacred object, and the main aim is hitting your opponent's hands or body in an attempt to disarm him. in modern arnis hitting the baston is considered acceptable hence making the art less dangerous especially to children. it's almost like fencing but with a purpose hehe.

we had karate when i was around thirteen, i guess. now i want to learn arnis. and beat people with sticks nyahaha. but i want to learn more than just the sport, i want to learn arnis as a martial art itself. i want to learn balintawak eskrima.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

little women

"I want my daughters to be beautiful, accomplished, and good; to be admired, loved, and respected; to have a happy youth, to be well and wisely married, and to lead useful, pleasant lives, with as little care and sorrow to try them as God sees fit to send. To be loved and chosen by a good man is the best and sweetest thing which can happen to a woman, and I sincerely hope my girls may know this beautiful experience. It is natural to think of it, Meg, right to hope and wait for it, and wise to prepare for it, so that when the happy time comes, you may feel ready for the duties and worthy of the joy." - Marmee, Little Women


Friday, December 27, 2013

english breakfast tea

i didn't think tea could be so complicated. i used to think all kinds of tea could be prepared in exactly the same way without much ado. i used to think tea made during japanese tea drinking ceremonies taste the same without the ceremony and that people only do it for the lessons you get out of the ceremony itself.

it turns out tea actually tastes different depending on how you brew it. i know, every literature on tea says so but i'm a hard-headed fool who thought powdered tea is just the same as brewed tea, only with more sugar.

anyway, i bought a big box of english breakfast tea about two months ago and after finishing a few tea bags i realized i'm no longer happy with my tea. i don't have an electric kettle and it's too めんどくさい to go up to the kitchen just to boil water so what i usually did was heat a cup or two of water on the microwave and use it for my tea. i didn't boil it because i can't drink too hot beverages and i am too impatient to wait for anything to cool down before i drink it. so i have this whole box of teabags left and i was wondering how i could consume all of it before i leave for brussels which lead to the thought if bilbo were real i suppose i could give him my tea. he likes tea, he must be english then why do englishmen like tea? and so the thought prompted me to read a whole range of internet literature about tea (and a little read on the legend of the koi dragon).

in the end i finally realized, tea is complicated business. there's this article which mentioned the aroma of tea is so relaxing and is eerily similar to warm toast and honey. whew. i want to try experiencing THAT. so here's what i did in the hope of making the perfect kind of english breakfast tea with my resources.

  1. pour a small amount of cold water (says some article, always use cold water and never reheat water for your next tea) in a mug, about 1.5 inches or so, and microwave on high (600W) for 3 minutes because, apparently, it HAS to be boiling water. I noticed water boils in my microwave after 2.5 minutes but i still set it for 3 minutes anyway. to kill germs, rawr. haha.
  2. place your tea bag in and let it steep for 3-4 minutes because, apparently, that's how long you should steep black tea. and make sure it's covered while it steeps.
  3. remove the tea bag and resist the temptation to squeeze it. i squeezed it but it tasted okay anyway. at this point you can add sugar and milk and lemon if you wish. i'm happy with a teaspoon of sugar on mine.
  4. add water to fill the mug and microwave again for around 1 minute.
TADAAA! yep, it actually tastes better than my previous tea hahaha. and it smells like honey! it does, it does! i don't smell any toast though haha. anyway, i guess i'll be okay with not sharing my remaining teabags with bilbo then :) cheers to tea!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

dec. 24, 17:00

merry christmas, philippines!


Saturday, December 21, 2013


i tried filming but i guess i pushed my luck too hard since i just learned how to balance and glide. i did an uncalled for (but totally awesome!) 360 degree turn and all i could think about was "oh no, the phone!". hahaha. i woke up this morning and i have cramps all over my body and bruises on my knees and palms. but it was worth all the fun. yeah!

i realized the fun in skating really starts the moment you stop checking your feet and you stop thinking where your feet should go next and just lose yourself in the glide :)


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

ice skatiiiiiiing!

and the highlight of the night - i learned how to skaaaaate!!! woohoooo!

the most sulit 7euro i have ever spent! after thirty minutes i was able to glide through the rink unaided and at a pretty good speed. i fell down five times but if not for jake i would have fallen down a lot more haha.

again, jake has all the great pictures. can't wait to see them!



this morning, jake was inviting people for beer or a coke before he heads back to the US for christmas break. gregory said he'd go so i thought, why not. within the afternoon everyone else said they can't make it and i didn't want to be all snotty by not turning up, so i did. in the end gregory didn't show up either so instead of going into a bar, jake and i decided it would be more fun to check out the christmas market instead.

and YES it was great! the lights, the food, the people, the's just so festive!

the pictures i got on my phone aren't as good as jake's but i have to wait until he sends them to me :) i plan to go back maybe tomorrow night or something just to look around again.



because nutella :P pancake with chocolate in the making. yumm.



after years of research, technology finally made it's way into the life of ordinary people in the form of..tada!! opaque restroom doors! hahahahahaha.

it was really funny because we went inside and told the waiter we are students from the university and we were told their restroom has a really interesting application of a certain technology we were studying and so we just asked to take a peek. he asked, and in what course is this? maybe to check we weren't just dropping by to use their restroom haha. so we said, yeah it's in optical materials and he was like yeah yeah i can see why you're interested. go ahead and take a look. :D

it's weird, yes, having transparent restroom doors haha. but, you see, when the lock is open (right side) the door is transparent and you can actually look into the stall. when you click the lock, the whole pane suddenly goes opaque!

the last time jake went there he was told it is some sort of gas and some chemical reaction happens when you click the lock. but it's actually not a gas, what actually happens is this: in between the glass plates is a thin film of polymer or plastic infused with (blobs of) liquid crystals. it's the liquid crystals (LC) we are interested in. an LC is a kind of material that has both liquid and crystalline properties in the sense that its molecules can move around freely (slide and glide over each other and stuff) but may be oriented in specific ways. now why is this? it's mainly due to the shape of the molecule itself which is elongated which is why it's usually drawn as cigar-like shapes in textbooks.

now, another interesting property of these LCs is that they tend to re-orient themselves when exposed to electric field. this is what creates the interesting effect we see above. you see, when no electric field is applied, the blobs of LC molecules don't align all in the same direction. some points upward, others to the side, and just basically when light comes in it is scattered in all directions. so the whole film of polymer/LC is practically anisotropic and the pane is transparent.

when you apply electric field, however, the LCs align themselves according to the field and you can tweak this property in such a way that you do not allow light to pass through. and so once you apply voltage, which is what happens when you click the lock, you now have an opaque pane! tadaaaa! and there you have it, liquid crystals at it's best haha :) and, you know, this happens instantaneously like there is practically no observable time difference between the time you click the lock and the time the pane becomes opaque. on a side note, the same class of materials are also being used in your phones or monitors or laptops (liquid crystal displays, LCD).

anyway, this one is in a restaurant called belga queen somewhere in graslei.

when you're in belgium, go visit this place :P

Monday, December 16, 2013

when life gives you lemons..

..apparently it also gives you dowgees (and a polar bear) as compensation :P

guess this little tykes name! it's TJ. hahahaha. while the cleaning lady was
busy wiping the tables, he was also busy licking the crumbs off the floor.

behaved little dowgee waiting for his human to finish shopping :)

powlar beaaaaar!
i'm still angry at you, life, but thanks for the dowgees anyway.


Friday, December 13, 2013

oleds and lc's

in reference to the previous entry, i am attaching a copy (click image) of our literature presentation on OLEDs incorporating extended nematic liquid crystals.



every nicholas are kindred-spirits :)

that would be him in a hoodie with the ridiculously handsome teaching assistant (with an extremely cute accent) :P cheers to the best lab and report partner EVER.

Friday, December 6, 2013


because kiwi :P
and, additional note: kiwi and any strawberry yogurt goes well together!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

in the company of bears

why did you take the photo? because they're sooo cute! do i need any more reason? :">
