Saturday, October 18, 2014


as autumn deepens, warm, bright, sunny days like these are getting fewer and further apart. which is why it's absolutely necessary to take the time to bike around (and hack a little here and there #ingress haha) and enjoy taking in enough of your dose of vitamin d to keep the happy hormones flowing :)

my bike path for the day led me to the most touristy spot in the city center for a view of the famous landmarks of the city as a special backdrop for my video call with red whose birthday falls today. afterwards, before heading indoors for a game of table tennis with my chinese friends, here are quick snaps of the area around the university sports centrum.

sponsored by..hehe
mga krodero ni nong basyo! haha. reminds me of home and the subdivision caretaker's herd of sheep who never cares about passing cars or pedestrians and often causing traffic jams in the main road.

view of the lake from the gusb bar.
lamb burger and beer after the game :P

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