Saturday, December 27, 2014

white christmas, finally!

after almost two weeks of steadily rising temperature, it plummeted well below zero overnight and i couldn't be any happier. a few minutes after the first snowflakes fell i was already out and about prancing in the snow forgetting i was only in my cotton pyjamas (yes, cotton. my room is in the tropics haha). anyway, the adrenaline rush lasted only a few minutes before the tugging cold reminded me i should wear warmer, not to mention more decent, clothes especially outside at midnight. it's a really a good thing my flatmates all went home for the holidays so i don't have to be in any way discreet about feeling like a kid running up and down the stairs in record time and making large puddles of water on the floor ^^

it didn't snow much last winter and when it did it always fell on an exam day. every. single. time. so i couldn't bloody well enjoy it. not this winter apparently, yipee!

too thin, couldn't build a snowman, but whatever, haha.
grayer than grey.
my shnowy wintery wonderland.
guess where the wind blows from.
it's mostly bricks but i love my backyard view.
nothing warms the heart more than watching older brothers being older brothers - one hand on the penguin, the other holding their sister's hand firmly, guiding them through the rink; or fathers gliding through the ice, a daughter on each arm. i want one..of each! weh, not really, hahahaha.
flowers for the hanged man.
i still keep my black socks in the freezer, though. who knows i might still get a good macro shot of a snowflake in the coming days :)



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