Monday, August 31, 2015

untitled 003

the train chugged through the railway, it was three in the afternoon and the skies are getting darker by the minute. she looked to her left and engrossed herself to the ongoing conversation between her chinese friend and a belgian passenger who apparently thinks they were tourists. after a while, she settled back in her seat and replied to her ongoing conversation with another friend 7 time zones away.

while the rain started to pour outside, she started to drift off to sleep. 

suddenly, the train lurched to a stop. the rain is pouring like mad now and on another track right below the bridge, another train has also stopped. from the darkness and blur one could only make out a few cars running on the nearby highway and the random blinking lights of a police car.

she made herself comfortable in her seat again. if it WAS the start of a horror story, then apparently she didn't mind. she was among friends, after all, both with her in the train and halfway around the world. if this particular horror story ever comes through, she's sure she won't be waddling through it alone.



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