Sunday, November 8, 2015

live plants stress me out

plants are my father's expertise. it was, of course, one of our chores to water the plants and weed the garden, but it is my father who actually tends to them. he knows everything from fertilizing, to planting, to grafting, to harvesting. he does the landscaping, then probably change it in a month or two, and even does his own version of ikebana. during trips you'd find him poring a long time over some bush, and when it's time to go you'd almost always spot a branch, or a shoot, or a seed in the trunk.

my point is, i have also not inherited my father's green thumb. i do not question my ability to raise cats and dogs, but plants? haha. i tend to forget watering plants T_T

i dropped by the flower market again after church. i was meaning to buy those daisy-looking flowers (you know, the big, sturdy ones without the yellow in the middle?) in red, pink, and flesh, and a bunch of those greens that look like starburst, but the shop-keeper was still busy with other customers so i looked around for a bit. in the opposite stall there was a child of about 8 years old, with his dad, and they looked so adorable picking out blooms. and i was so engrossed looking at them when suddenly the shop-keeper popped up beside me and asked if he could help me with anything and i was like whoa, maybe i'll uh have that pot of kerstster, alstublieft?



..yeah. i have brought home a live, breathing  pot of poinsettia. good luck little poinsettia.

the shopkeeper said i should water it three times a week. for good measure i also looked up poinsettias for dummies and it says, 

- allow direct sunlight. check
- keep in temperatures between 15-20 degrees. uh, check?
- do not let it touch the cold window panes. oh! check.
- do not under-water.
- do not over-water.

okay. lezzdodiz!


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