Thursday, July 3, 2014

i think i'm drunk haha

prof. gunther was around for a while in the morning. andreas was also around for the whole day but apparently he has a girlfriend. tsktsk. i'm still allowed to like him, though, yes? but that's not why i'm drunk. haha.

we had a mini joyride with floris to het pand where the gala dinner was held. and since we arrived 30 minutes early, he treated us to a beer at his friend's bar. so we lounged for a while with satadal in front of the leiss river and just enjoyed the wonderful gent afternoon. we've been enjoying a very good weather for the duration of the summer school and i hope it will still be as good tomorrow.

anyway, floris bought us beer and apparently he suggested one with relatively high alcohol content for me. i couldn't even remember the name. during dinner they served wine then another wine then champagne. haha. soooo i think i'm..maybe not exactly drunk..tipsy. and now it's 11pm and i still need to get back to brussels and wake up early tomorrow to catch the train back here to gent. haha. i can HARDLY wait for this week to end and i am TERRIBLY tired. goodness!

i was at a table with a group of friends, some phd students and gordon, from some company in the UK, and we talked about culture and research and industry trends and how to differentiate wines and a lot of other stuff. xinyu asked about my plans after masteral and when i mentioned i'm also considering getting a phd, he was pretty surprised and said - but phd takes a long time and a lot of effort, shouldn't you get married first? hahahahahahaha. yeah thanks for the concern, but i should get a boyfriend first, though, haha.

but then again, according to him apparently a lot of the chinese phd students here found me really pretty compared to filipino celebrities, take note - celebrities, haha which is reaaaally surprising hahaha, so that's good news i suppose hahahah.

i laugh too much..i must be really tipsy..


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