Thursday, April 25, 2013

throwback thursday 4/25

high school.

CAT officers are seniors. and during the army inspection they are expected to bring their dates to the event and the dinner afterwards. what's interesting is that it has been our school's tradition to pick a sponsor (female) or an escort (male) from the juniors.

and that's how, a week before their inspection, we heard she has been asked by him, or she is going to be this officer's date, and so on. well, most of my friends were already asked out so imagine my surprise when the battalion commander walked up to our poor excuse of a home room and asked "will you be my date?".

that was the only time in my life i was asked "will you be my date?". ever. technically, though, i was only filling in the place of his real girlfriend who was the adjutant hahaha. his family was there, of course, and in most pictures of us his younger brother made sure to include his adjutant girlfriend =))

after leading the dance during the dinner party he left me alone with my friends because he's got his real girlfriend to attend to anyway. yes na lang. overall, though, it was a good experience. getting asked out (in the most gentlemanly way! sir yabu always stressed out officers should be gentlemen..and women), going through how-to-act-like-a-lady coaching with our guidance councilor (how to sit, how to stand, how to walk, how to cross your legs, SMILE!), getting pampered on the day, getting excused from classes in the afternoon so we could take our beauty rest before the dinner party (haha, really!).

i had a hat. the same one that you usually see on stewardesses. unfortunately i was the only one with the hat because the others have lost theirs so i had to take it off for uniformity. it would have looked a lot cooler, though, with the hat. :)


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