Thursday, March 28, 2013


お久しぶり!!! i haven't eaten palitaw in quite a long while i'm so happy we made a batch today ^__^

it's reaaaaaally easy to make. you just need water and rice flour in the following proportions and you're good to go!
  • 1 cup rice flour (pilit)
  • 3/4 cup water
  • desiccated coconut
  • sugar
Cooking Instructions
  • mix rice flour and water. you'll create some sort of pasty dough.
  • boil water around 4 inches deep
  • once boiled, create flat oblongs out of the dough and drop into the water. i like rolling the dough into balls then bam! flat it out with the other hand on my palm. i get cute round palitaws in the end.
  • once the dough starts to float, remove from the water and set aside allowing the water to drip.
  • in a separate bowl mix the desiccated coconut and sugar. roll the palitaw in the mixture and that's it!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

bangus with taosi

  • 1 medium size bangus, milkfish, sliced into 1” thick
  • 2 thumb size ginger, cut into thin strips
  • 3-3 clove garlic, chopped
  • 2 medium size tomato, coarsely chopped
  • 1 medium size onion, coarsely chopped
  • 1/2 medium size bell pepper, cut into thin strips
  • 1 small bundle spring onion, cut diagonally
  • 3-4 tbsp. tausi, salted black beans, rinsed, roughly mashed
  • 2-3 tbsp. of brine from the salted black beans
  • 1 tsp. sugar (optional)
  • salt and pepper
  • cooking oil
Cooking Instructions
  • Dust bangus slices with salt and pepper, set aside to marinate then fry. 
  • In a frying pan heat 2 to 3 tbsp. of cooking oil stir fry garlic and ginger until fragrant.
  • Add in the salted black beans, sugar if using, onion and tomato and stir fry until the onion and tomato are wilted.
  • Add in the brine from the salted black beans and about 3/4 cups of water and bring to a boil.
  • Add in the fried bangus and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Correct saltines if required. 
  • Add in the bell pepper and spring onion, continue to simmer for another minute. 
  • Serve with a lot of rice.

fluffy the vampire slayerrrr!

we went out to buy groceries with my brother yesterday and bought eggs as part of our grocery list. unknowingly, mama also bought a dozen eggs so we currently have too much eggs in the house. i looked for interesting recipes using eggs for lunch today or else we'd be having sunny side ups and omelettes for the next couple of days, and found this!

  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup grated Gruyere cheese (we don't even have normal cheese, i know i should have bought one yesterday. so no cheese for our first trial.)
Cooking Instructions
  • Preheat the oven to 450°F with a rack in the middle. Line a roasting pan, or baking sheet that can take high temperatures without warping, with parchment paper or Silpat.
  • Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Make sure there are no little pieces of egg yolk in the whites or you will have difficulty getting the whites to beat properly. It helps if you are making more than one egg nest to keep each egg yolk in a separate prep bowl.
  • Place the egg whites in a very clean mixer bowl (any residual oil in the mixer bowl will keep the egg whites from whipping up properly) → we didn't listen to this bit of wisdom and added butter as substitute to cheese. in the end, the whipped whites didn't stiffen. Add a quarter teaspoon of salt to the egg whites. Beat the egg whites with a whisk attachment in a mixer (or using a hand mixer), starting on low speed and then slowly increasing to high speed, until stiff peaks form.
  • Gently fold in the grated Gruyere cheese (if you have one), taking care not to deflate the egg whites.
  • Create two mounds of the egg white mixture on the lined baking sheet. Form the mounds so they look like nests, with indentations in the centers.

  • Place in the oven for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, open the oven, pull out the rack with the egg white nests, and gently add an egg yolk to the center of each nest. Return the baking sheet to the oven and cook for 3 more minutes. 

and here's how our fluffy little sun turned out!

looks like breakfast hahaha.

budget-friendly beauty tips

Here are some budget-friendly beauty tips I got from a local magazine. I'm posting this for reference just in case I might actually read this in the future :) It's my mother and my sister who gets worked up every time I get another pimple or scratch on my face, maybe they should read this bwahaha.

Eucalyptus or Tomatoes = Instant Facial

Mix in some eucalyptus or tea tree oil to a pot or bowl of boiling water, then put a towel over your head, and place your face over the steam. Your pores will be cleared up in no time. If you can't find eucalyptus, tomato paste works just as well. Pour a can of tomato paste into a bowl, then heat it in the microwave until it's lukewarm. Spread it on your face, let set for five minutes, and wash it off.

Honey + Oatmeal = Instant Facial Scrub

Combine half a cup of plain uncooked oats with three tablespoons of honey, then apply the mixture to your face and let it set for fifteen minutes before rinsing thoroughly. You're guaranteed to shine after this facial scrub.

Lemon Juice + Cotton Swab = Blemish Free Face

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, and use a cotton swab to sweep it across your face. Vitamin C from the lemon juice does wonders for bleaching dark spots caused by pimples, acne, injury , or hyperpigmentation. Avoid the sun while you treat your blemishes with this remedy because lemon juice reacts with sunlight and can cause your skin to darken further.

Cotton Balls + Cold Whole Milk = Bye Bye Puffy Eyes

Prepare 1/4 cup of cold whole milk and steep two cotton balls into it. Place the cotton balls over your eyes, and leave them for about five to ten minutes. Be sure to use icy-cold whole milk because it'll act as a cold compress to treat the swelling. Aside from de-puffing swollen eyelids, this beauty fix can also brighten dark circles under the eyes.

Whipped Egg = No More Wrinkles

To combat early signs of aging, remove yolk from one egg, whip the egg white, and spread it on your face. Leave it on for fifteen minutes before rinsing it off. Egg whites works as well as expensive creams do because the protein from egg whites help tighten skin.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

pop-up valentine!

We had pop-up books when we were young: Puss in Boots and Little Tin Soldiers. It's quite enjoyable trying to work out the magic of having images pop-up at the turn of a page. But those books were given to my brothers from their ninangs and I never had one I can call my own.

Not anymore..tadaaa! ^___^

My very own, and personalized, pop-up book! Thanks to my boyfriend who made me paint the pictures and help in assembling the book :P Quite a unique valentines gift :)

Friday, March 15, 2013


G      A
F#m     Bm
   A       F#m    Bm
君は運命の人だから 強く手を握るよ
きみはうんめいのひとだから つよくてをにぎるよ
  G     A F#m      Bm
ここにいるのは 優しいだけじゃなく
 G  A

G       A
  F#m    Bm
G     A
 F#m     Bm
 G    A  F#m   Bm
余計な事は しすぎるほどいいよ
G    A

  D   A    Bm       F#m
※走る 遥か この地球(ほし)の果てまで
  G       Em
 悪あがきでも 呼吸しながら
  G  E   A
   A       Bm     F#m
 あえて 無料(ただ)のユートピアも
  G       Em
 汚れた靴で 通り過ぎるのさ
  G   E   A   D
 自力で見つけよう 神様※

いつも もらいあくびした後で
涙目 茜空
悲しい話は 消えないけれど

  D   A    Bm       F#m
走る 遥か この地球(ほし)の果てまで
  G       Em
恥ずかしくても まるでダメでも
  G  E   A
いつか つまづいた時には
横にいるから ふらつきながら

 G   D   G    D
神様 神様 神様 君となら…
  G     D     G
このまま このまま このまま
  Bm A

rough english translation here.



Souncloud: チェーリ

C G / Am / C G / Am / C G / Am / C G / Am F /

C     G    Am       Em
君を忘れない 曲がりくねった道を行く
  F      C   F      G
産まれたての太陽と 夢を渡る黄色い砂
C      G    Am       Em
二度と戻れない くすぐり合って転げた日
    F   G     C  Am    F G    C
きっと 想像した以上に 騒がしい未来が僕を待ってる

 C GonB Am  Em F   C   Am Em F    C
「愛して る」の響 きだけで 強くなれる気がしたよ
  Am Em F  C    Am Em F   G C
ささやかな 喜びを つぶれるほど抱きしめて

C       G   Am       Em
こぼれそうな思い 汚れた手で書き上げた
  F       C    F         G
あの手紙はすぐにでも 捨てて欲しいと言ったのに
C     G   Am       Em
少しだけ眠い 冷たい水でこじあけて
  F   G      C   Am     F G    C
今 せかされるように 飛ばされるように 通り過ぎてく

 C GonB Am  Em F   C   Am Em F    C
「愛して る」の響 きだけで 強くなれる気がしたよ
  Am Em  F   C   Am Em F  G C
いつかまた この場所で 君とめぐり会いたい

B♭M7 / FM7 / B♭M7 /

どんなに歩いても たどりつけない
悪魔のふりして 切り裂いた歌を
Am7        G   F FM7

C G / Am / C G / Am / C G / Am / C G / Am F /

C     G    Am       Em
君を忘れない 曲がりくねった道を行く
    F   G     C  Am    F G    C
きっと 想像した以上に 騒がしい未来が僕を待ってる

 C GonB Am  Em F   C   Am Em F    C
「愛して る」の響 きだけで 強くなれる気がしたよ
  Am Em F  C    Am Em F   G C
ささやかな 喜びを つぶれるほど抱きしめて

  Am Em F   C    Am Em F    C
ズルしても真面目にも 生きてゆける気がしたよ
  Am Em  F   C   Am Em F  G C
いつかまた この場所で 君とめぐり会いたい

english translation here.


baked fish

one of the easiest ones to prepare as long as you have the proper fish to bake.

  • 4 slices fish fillet
  • 2 stalks scallions, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, mashed
  • 1/2 medium onion, sliced
  • 1 tbsp lemoncito juice
  • 8 tsp butter, melted
  • water
  • lemon, optional
  • salt
  • ground pepper
  • herbs. we have a bottle of finely chopped oregano at home so i used that.
  • aluminum foil
Cooking Instruction:
  • wash and dry fish. sprinkle with salt.
  • preheat oven (or turbo broiler) to 375 deg. F.
  • place scallions, garlic, onion, lemoncito juice, and a little water in food processor or blender and blend.
  • in 1 sheet of aluminum foil place 1 slice fish fillet, 2 tsp butter, 1 tsp water, cover with blended spices, and sprinkle with pepper and herbs. top with 1/4 of a thin slice of lemon. seal the foil, leaving enough room for water to steam.
  • do the same for the rest of the fish fillet.
  • bake for 25-30 minutes.


eggplant in oyster sauce

meat-less viand. mama loved it.

  • 1/4 c  (as needed) cooking oil
  • 450 gm eggplant medium sized unpeeled and cut in strips (3 large eggplants)
  • 2 tbsp garlic minced
  • 1/4 c Mama Sita's oyster sauce (x2 since i used more eggplants)
  • 2 tsp cornstarch dissolved in water
  • 2 tbsp green onions chopped
Cooking Instruction:
  • Heat oil in a pan and fry eggplant. Fry them until golden brown. 
  • In another pan, heat oil and fry garlic until brown. 
  • Add eggplant, cornstarch and stir well. 
  • Let it and simmer until the sauce thickens. 
  • Remove it in a serving dish and garnish with green onion.


sour cream and onion dip

i wanted to make sour cream and onion dip for ages but the recipes i found on the internet need sour cream. now, in my little hometown i can't find all sorts of nice cooking ingredients and among these, sour cream. i finally stumbled upon this website which uses ingredients i can actually find. yes!

here's the recipe with my own sub-notes:

  • 1 c. of cream used nestle all purpose cream
  • juice of half a lemon or lime or the equivalent amount of kalamansi juice  i had half a lemon because the other half i used last night on my face haha
  • 4 cloves (segments) of garlic, grated
  • 1/3 of a large white onion, grated
  • salt to taste
  • freshly grated black pepper
  • a pinch of sugar
  • 1 tsp. of chopped fresh mint we don't have mint
Cooking Instructions:
  • pour cream in a bowl. pour lemon and let stand for 15 minutes without stirring. the cream will curdle and make it thickish.
  • add grated onion and garlic.
  • season with salt and pepper.
  • add a pinch of sugar
  • chill dip before serving
we used the dip with fish fillets and hotdogs and even nachos :)
i didn't get a good photo of it, but this'll do:


Thursday, March 14, 2013

habemus papam

pope john paul ii reigned for so long i thought i'd never get to witness another conclave after that which instituted pope benedict xvi to papacy. when pope benedict xvi was elected, i was 17 years old. having had no funds to travel to rome for such occasion, i watched the conclave intently on television not wishing to miss a single moment of that historical event.

as with many others, it came as a shock to me when pope benedict xvi decided to resign (like, he can do that?!). so eight years later here i am, still no funds to travel to rome (haha), watching and waiting for the white smoke to signal the election of another pope.

finally, habemus papam. we have a new pope ^__^

perhaps the church is not immune to politics (in the negative sense) but i would like to continue believing whatever happens inside a conclave is blessed by God. and the miracle and awe is still not lost to me the moment the white smoke came out.

pope francis i. his election reminds me of king david, youngest of the sons of jesse, who was not originally presented as a candidate for the throne. like him, fr. jorge mario bergoglio was not among the rumored papabile (top contenders for papacy).

i like the "francis" too. whenever i hear "st. francis de assisi" i am reminded of a young man in brown robes with a balding head, the man giving bread to the poor, and stigmata. all these from a picture book we had when we were young. st. francis was the champion of the poor. perhaps pope francis i is also trying to be one. another image that would come to mind whenever i hear "st. francis" would be of a large stained mirror inscribed with the prayer of st. francis on my grandparents' wall.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

it should be fitting, then, that on his first night of papacy, i will pray this for him.

mikado afternoon

sometimes it's the little things in life that makes us happy. things like curling under freshly laundered sheets, drying under soft towels, or seeing all your paintbrushes dry and properly stored.

on busy days (back when i was busy), i loved highlighting spreadsheet cells with "orange" (according to excel). i still do. but it doesn't look orange to me though, i still maintain it's yellooowwww. and it's the perfect shade of yellow - not too bright, not too dark, and just the right shade to catch my eye. amidst a terribly stressful day of beating deadlines and fixing bugs, the perfect shade of yellow always makes me happy (seriously, it does. don't laugh :P). and it has a name - mikado yellow. RGB(255,192,12).

among other things, afternoons make me happy. afternoon colors are generally warm, it's like the world is giving you a hug. afternoons mean walks with my dog, sunsets, and occasionally, naps ^__^

i intend to fill this journal with things that make me happy so that one day when i don't feel too good i can look back through all my mikado afternoons and cheer myself up!
