Thursday, March 14, 2013

mikado afternoon

sometimes it's the little things in life that makes us happy. things like curling under freshly laundered sheets, drying under soft towels, or seeing all your paintbrushes dry and properly stored.

on busy days (back when i was busy), i loved highlighting spreadsheet cells with "orange" (according to excel). i still do. but it doesn't look orange to me though, i still maintain it's yellooowwww. and it's the perfect shade of yellow - not too bright, not too dark, and just the right shade to catch my eye. amidst a terribly stressful day of beating deadlines and fixing bugs, the perfect shade of yellow always makes me happy (seriously, it does. don't laugh :P). and it has a name - mikado yellow. RGB(255,192,12).

among other things, afternoons make me happy. afternoon colors are generally warm, it's like the world is giving you a hug. afternoons mean walks with my dog, sunsets, and occasionally, naps ^__^

i intend to fill this journal with things that make me happy so that one day when i don't feel too good i can look back through all my mikado afternoons and cheer myself up!


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